A Former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne Files Massive RICO Case Against Clinton Foundation, George Soros, Shareblue, Media Matters for America, David Brock, and John Podesta

BREAKING: RICO Case filed vs Clinton Foundation

This lawsuit will go after various facets of the Clinton Enterprise and their top connections – including George Soros!

It’s a very interesting read…

RICO Case Filed vs Clinton Foundation

Here is the Archived link.

More info here.

COMPLAINT Gary John Byrne/GJB LLC against All Defendants with Jury Demand 1,550,000,000 :

RICO lawsuit filed against-C. F, Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Media Matters for America, ShareBlue, D Brock, B Clinton, H Clinton, G Soros, J Podests, Clinton Global Initiative

RICO lawsuit filed against-C. F, Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership, Media Matters for America, ShareBlue, D Brock, B Clinton, H Clinton, G Soros, J Podests, Clinton Global Initiative (archive.is)

by Ex-Redditor to politics (+119|-2)

TEDOGATE SUMMARY: TED trying to illegally scrub evidence of pushing a pro-pedophile agenda (politics)

 by shadowcomments